If we were meeting in real life, I'm certain we'd be looking at each other awkwardly, trying to figure out how to say something clever that could not possibly backfire and make us look stupid. I'd probably be failing.
It's good to meet you. I'm December. I'm an English major, and am in love with life! I adore words, crafts, music, and baking.
Don't be shy...I won't bite unless you ask me to ;)
And now...a mundane adventure into my life!
Earlier today, after sleeping through my 2 o'clock class and hurrying over to my 4 o'clock (only to discover that it was cancelled), I was enjoying the pre-spring weather and walking around town. It was getting a little late, and we were about ready to head back to campus for dinner, when we came across a produce and health food store that sells lentils and whole-wheat pastry flour! I was watching the Food Network with a friend awhile ago, and have been looking for these ingredients ever since, to make lentil cookies. I was really excited...but had no money on me. I know what I'm doing this weekend!
Oh, wait....
I'm going to give ScriptFrenzy a go. I only JUST came up with a plot. Wish me luck!